• Cover-Image-for-Americas-UserGroup

    PSImetals UserGroup - Americas 2023


    Back again in North America!

Product Solutions for Generations to Come

PSImetals UserGroup - Americas: Get first hand information, share your experience and increase your network with other PSImetals users as well as PSI employees.

PSImetals 5.20 was the official release of our new Service Platform architecture and the next step towards the future of Production Management. With the product solutions we have today, which have been enhanced through our Service Platform Integration, we can help you keep the steel and aluminum industry running for the generations to come. Join our second UserGroup in America to learn more on how we will make the future better today with energy optimization, running of hybrid steelplants, multisite implementation, AI/machine learning, and much more.

Event Information

When:  September 11-12, 2023

Where: PSI Metals North America Inc.             

               Park West Two, Suite 600
               2000 Cliff Mine Road
               Pittsburgh, PA 15275-1022
               United States

Format: On-site


Day 1 - Monday September 11th
05:00 PM - 06:00 PM:
Cocktail Hour / Registration
Location: Pittsburgh Airport Marriott
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM:
Location: Pittsburgh Airport Marriott
Day 2 - Tuesday September 12th
08:00 AM - 08:30 AM:
Breakfast and Registration
08:30 AM - 08:45 AM:
Speaker: Harald Henning, Director, PSI Metals
08:45 AM - 08:50 AM:
Speaker: Javier Nadal, PSI Metals
08:50 AM - 09:20 AM:
North American Steel: Renewed, Decarbonized and Revitalized
Speaker: Ronald Ashburn, Executive Director, AIST
09:20 AM - 09:50 AM:
Business Workflows with Service Platform
Speaker: Steffen Jabin, PSI Metals
09:50 AM - 10:20 AM:
PSImetals Version Upgrade Process
Speaker: ArcelorMittal Dofasco
10:20 AM - 10:40 AM:
10:40 AM - 11:10 AM:
Embedded BI in PSImetals GUI
Speaker: Pascal Moinier, PSI Metals
11:10 AM - 11:40 AM:
Online Heat Scheduling in Melt Shops with Energy Forecasting and Trading
Speaker: Heinz Josef Ponten, PSI Metals
11:40 AM - 11:55 AM:
Group picture in front of the building
11:55 AM - 12:55 PM:
12:55 PM - 01:00 PM:
Speaker: Scott Wilson, PSI Metals
01:00 PM - 01:30 PM:
Collaboration Space
Speaker: Akriti Malla, PSI Metals
01:30 PM - 02:00 PM:
Order Dressing: From Catalog-based to Rule-based
Speaker: NLMK
02:00 PM - 02:30 PM:
PSI Qualicision AI Framework
Speaker: Luc Van Nerom, PSI Metals
02:30 PM - 02:50 PM:
02:50 PM - 03:30 PM:
PSImetals Academy: Continuous Knowledge Transfer / App Store Demo
Speaker: Tim Brewer / Raffael Binder, PSI Metals
03:30 PM - 04:00 PM:
Metals in the digital age - Bridging the physical and virtual worlds
Speaker: coilDNA
04:00 PM - 04:45 PM:
Panel Discussion / Q&A
Host: Scott Wilson, PSI Metals
04:45 PM - 05:00 PM:
Speaker: Thomas Quinet, Managing Director, PSI Metals

PSImetals UserGroup - Americas 2023 Gallery

  • Group picture of PSI employees in UserGroup 2023
  • Harald Henning, MD of PSI, speaking at UserGroup 2023
  • Joerg Hackmann, MD of PSI, speaking at UserGroup 2023
  • Thomas Quinet, MD of PSI, speaking at UserGroup 2023
  • At UserGroup 2023, users are listening to the spearkers.
  • Break-time for UserGroup 2023 activities
  • Speakers at Usegroup 2023 presenting a user case
  • PSI provides users at UserGroup 2023 with modest presents

Bilder: istockphoto.com/© MarsYu